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General Suggestions

The relationship of activity to the course of the dementing illness is not clear, however, some people with dementing illnesses become depressed, listless or apathetic. Activities helps maintain physical well-being and may prevent other illnesses whilst at the same time provide a good distraction.

Consider the services of a Day care centre with qualified staff which provides the right level of stimulation and gives the caregiver time off as well.

Be As Informed as Possible

  • The more you know about the nature of dementing illness, the more effective you will be in devising strategies to manage behavioural problems.

Share your concerns

  • When a person is only mildly to moderately impaired, they can take part in managing problems.
  • You may be able to share with each other your grief and worries.
  • Together you may be able to devise memory aids that will help.
  • Mildly impaired people may benefit from counseling that can help them accept and adjust to their limitations.

Try to solve your most frustrating problems one at a time

  • Families point out that day-to-day problems often seem to be the most insurmountable.
  • For example, bathing or getting dinner prepared, eaten and cleaned up can become daily ordeals

If you find your stressed out, single out one area that you can change to make life easier.

  • Sometimes changing small things can make all the difference.

Get enough rest

  • One dilemma often struck is the caregiver not getting enough rest,
  • or may not have the opportunity to get away from the care-giving responsibilities.

Caregivers need to make time for themselves to rest or relax.

  • Not as easy as it sounds, but it is one area which seems to help maintain the patience required at times.




Carers should be aware of the importance of Self-caring.

  • The Carer is the number 1 priority.

Use common sense and Imagination

  • Adaptation is the key to success.
  • If something cant be done one way then ask first if it needs to be done at all.
  • For example if the person insists on sleeping with a hat on, its not dangerous or harmful so let them.

Accept changes and just go along with it ….."go with the flow"

Maintain a sense of humour - it will get you through most crises

  • The ill person is still a person and therefore will need a good laugh at times.

Sharing your experience with other families can help to.

  • Surprisingly, family groups often find their shared experiences both sad and funny.

Try to establish an environment that allows as much freedom as possible, but also offers the structure needed

  • Establish a regular, predictable, simple routine for meals, medication, exercise, bedtime and other activities.
  • Do things the same way and at the same time each day.
  • Change routines only when they aren't working.
  • Keep the person's surroundings reliable and simple.
  • Leave furniture in the same place.
  • Put away clutter.

Remember to talk to the confused person

  • Speak calmly and gently.
  • Make the point of saying what you are doing and why.
  • Let them play a part in deciding things as much as possible.

Have an identity bracelet made for the confused person

  • This is the single most important thing you can do.
  • A bracelet including nature of illness (Alzheimers), name, and phone number can save you hours of frantic worry.

Keep the impaired person active but not upset